Skyrocketing growth in the Norwegian data center industry
In 2031, Norwegian data centers could contribute a value add of 28 billion kroner, almost six times as much as in 2024. At the same time, the number of FTEs will peak at 25,000 in 2031, after a period of extensive development that began in earnest in 2024.
The forecasts are taken from the report "Economic ripple effects in the Norwegian Data Center Industry", prepared by Samfunnsøkonomisk Analyse on behalf of the Norwegian Data Center Industry. The report was published 14. January 2024.
- Over the next five to ten years, data centers will become one of Norway's most important growth industries. Because value creation per man-year is so high, the data center industry will also contribute to increasing productivity in this country, says Bjørn Rønning, CEO of the Norwegian Data Center Industry.
In 2024, there are no active special schemes that subsidize or facilitate the data center industry, beyond what are the general framework conditions for other ordinary business activities in Norway. Growth and value creation will therefore occur without the need for public support schemes and subsidies.
The report by Samfunnsøkonomisk Analyse also points out that the data center industry is an energy-intensive industry. Statnett has registered applications for connection of data centers with those of around 6,700 MW, where the applicants want connection by 2034. NVE's latest forecasts show that the data center industry's share of Norwegian power consumption will double by 2028, to 2.3% of total consumption. In comparison, consumption for traditional power-intensive industries will remain stable at around 26%.
- A data center on Norwegian soil imports and exports data and uses renewable Norwegian energy to create value. It is a good alternative to only exporting power abroad without further processing it and leaving it to others to make it profitable, says Rønning.
Download the report "Value creation in the Norwegian data center industry" prepared by Samfunnsøkonomisk Analyse.
For further information, contact:
Bjørn Rønning, CEO of the Norwegian Data Center Industry, +47 92242657,