Membership Application and Agreement

Norwegian Data Center Industry

Terms are valid as of 1. January, 2025

The membership rates apply per year and are adjusted on an annual basis. The membership runs annually until written termination.

Rates are calculated based on the following member categories for the NDCI membership (for the mandatory ICT-Norway membership rates, see section 7. below):

  1. Operator members:
    Start-ups: NOK 30,000: Valid for operators not having an active data center or developed sites, and valid for 1 - one - year only.

    In operation: NOK 60,000 (has active data center or developed sites). The category includes established and future operators of data centers and sites / locations.

  2. Supplier members: NOK 60,000
    The category includes direct suppliers of infrastructure (MEP) for the construction of data centers, infrastructure manufacturers, large/medium contractors and others. The supplier members have the right to arrange an annual supplier conference where the major data center operators are present with at least one C-level person. The conference is arranged in collaboration between the supplier members. A separate working group will be in charge for organizing the conference, subject to approval from the operating board.

  3. Datacom provider members: NOK 60,000
    The category includes suppliers of fiber and capacity to data centers and their customers. The data communication members have the right to arrange an annual supplier conference where the major data center operators are present with at least one C-level person. The conference is arranged in collaboration between the supplier members. A separate working group will be in charge for organizing the conference, subject to approval from the operating board.

  4. Hardware and networking equipment supplier members: NOK 60,000
    The category includes suppliers of hardware and networking gear for solutions that operate in the data centers. The hardware supplier members have the right to arrange an annual supplier conference where the major data center operators are present with at least one C-level person. The conference is arranged in collaboration between the supplier members. A separate working group will be in charge for organzing the conference, subject to approval from the operating board.

  5. Energy supplier/Power providers members: NOK 60,000
    This category includes suppliers of renewable energy. Energy suppliers have the opportunity to market their products and services exclusively against the right decision-makers in the various operations and participate in supplier conferences.

  6. Other members: NOK 30,000
    This category includes lawyers, consultants, consulting engineers, small contractors, service providers, software providers, etc.

  7. Mandatory membership in ICT-Norway and Rates (subject to changes on 2025)
    A separate membership for ICT Norway is mandatory. A nominal fee for the ICT Norway membership will be charged in addition to the ordinary membership fee. If you already are a member of ICT-Norway, no additional charge apply.
    Start-ups: NOK 4,918/ year (revenues < NOK 1mn/year)
    Others: NOK 7,766 / year

    ICT-Norge membership fees for start-ups are calculated based on revenues for the last fiscal year. The company is obliged to report any changes in annual revenues beyond NOK 1mn.

For more information, please contact

* Disclaimer: Application for membership is subject to approval. Companies engaged in crypto currency mining are not eligible for membership.